Articles and review
Reading the Garden invited Susan to share her recommended reading list. Read Susan’s article here.
Poetry in Motion at All Lit Up
Visit the Poetry in Motion blog at All Lit Up (March 22, 2023) to hear Susan Braley read “The Egtved Girl” from Tilling the Darkness. Braley’s poems trace a woman in a rural setting who comes to appreciate the complex, bountiful legacy of her early life—exploring grief and renewal. Read the blog and see the video here.
The Miramichi Reader reviewed Tilling the Darkness. Read their review here.

march 7, 2024
salt spring island
Visit the Salt Spring Library at 7pm for a reading by Susan Braley.
Photo: Hélène Cyr

january 17, 2024
poets corner
Fairleigh Dickenson University, Vancouver
Susan Braley and Kerry Gilbert are featured.

october 18, 2023
antler river poetry
Susan Braley and Adebe DeRango-Adem share the stage at Landon Library in London, Ontario.

september 16, 2023: poetry in transit
Join Susan Braley and the other poets featured on the buses.

june 23, 2023
caitlin press author reading
Susan Braley is joined by Yvonne Blomer and Maureen Mayhew. Russell Books in Victoria at 7pm.

Photo: Helène Cyr
May 26, 2023
Planet Earth Poetry
Susan Braley is the featured reader. Joined by poetic opener Sarah Weaver.
Susan thanks Angie Killoran, Leah Fowler, Peter Pinfold, and Wendy Donawa for sponsoring her reading.
Visit PEP website here.

april 1, 2023
waterloo, ontario launch
The Hall at Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. 4pm.
Susan Braley launches Tilling the Darkness. Books available at Words Worth Books.

March 17, 2023
Reading in fanny bay
Caitlin Press authors Susan Braley, Andrea Routley, and Judy LeBlanc read from their latest collections. Fanny Bay Hall, 7pm

March 15, 2023
Reading on Hornby Island
Join Susan Braley and Judy LeBlanc as they read from their new books. The event is free to attend.

March 8, 2023
Munro’s Book Launch
Join Susan Braley, Karen Enns and Jane Munro as they read from their newest collections. The event is free to attend. Details at

march 4, 2023
victoria art gallery
You’re invited to the official launch at the Victoria Art Gallery. Hosted by Arleen Paré.
best canadian poetry 2023 Victoria launch
Victoria launch is February 11. 2023, with guest editor John Barton in attendance.

best canadian poetry 2023 Vancouver launch
The launch is November 26, 2022 at Massy Books in Vancouver. My poem “He Thinks It’s Their Last Book” appears in this anthology.
Poets Caravan
The Planet Earth Poetry Poets Caravan highlights the rich cultural landscape of Southern Vancouver Island. Each poet is represented by a pin on Google Earth on a spot meaningful to them – somewhere they like to do their writing or find particularly inspiring. You can watch Susan’s video here or head over to Google Earth to watch all the poets who took part.
Planet Earth Poetry is Canada’s longest running poetry reading series. It meets every Friday night from September to May, and a few times over the summer. Susan is a frequent reader at the open mic.